Let's finally ease your digestion and hormones....for good!

Let me help you get to your root CAUSES and focus on what works for your body with personalized nutrition - all without any guesswork.  

Hi, I'm Heer

Functional Nutrition PractitioneR & a self-care advocate

I help individuals that are tired of digestive dysfunction and hormonal imbalances in a sustainable and with no 'cookie cutter diet' way!

If you are go getter like me, I see you. Your days are packed, and 'taking care of yourself' feels like an elusive dream. Plus you are roped up with constant fatigue, brain fog, wacky digestion, weird hormones and a weight roller coaster that does not come to end. Ask me how I know this- Yup! been there done it all. 

While my body was screaming for nourishment, I was busy offering it with the quick fixes, extreme diets, insane workout routines and the overload of worry.-the worry of 'am I doing this right? why is it not working? 'is this making me more sicker? what if it gets worse? what if I never feel like my self again? 

Through small but mighty nutrition and lifestyle changes and through mindset shifts, I realized that the complex world of 'mainstream healthy' is due to lack of knowledge paired with 'on-size-fits all' advice that the world relies on. 

The power of Nutritional Therapy was my turning point. I made personalized changes (based on my goals and concerns) to my health journey, and it was a game changer.

This is exactly why I created The 'ONE' plan. A simple, straightforward process with small but impactful changes. This program is designed to not only transform your health but also to help you understand how and why these changes work for your unique body. So, lets finally set yourself free from all your bothering digestive and hormonal issues so you can really focus on living your LIFE.

In my practice, I see clients who:

have re-current sinus infections, UTIs or yeast infections. 

Are done relying on band-aids [a.k.a OTC pills] and want to know why are they constantly dealing with various symptoms?

DIY their way into eating right but see little to no result.

have struggled with weight loss.  

If you resonate with any of the above,
THEN you are in the right place!

Are tired of dealing with digestive issues like bloating, gas, constipation, heartburn, IBS, non-alcoholic fatty liver, overgrowth of candida etc. 

Have been living with hypothyroid, (Pre) diabetes, PCOS, or high cholesterol.

Have been zapped into the world of brain fog and confusion.

Have Fatigue that has taken over their life and becomes difficult to get rid off. 


A 12 week one-on-one transformative process that is specifically designed to help you get to your root CAUSES and focus on what works for your body without any guesswork! 

FIrst of all, let me tell you a bit about...

Results my clients often
report back:

uncomplicate food by learning how to eat for your bio-individual body

feel energetic throughout the day

Stop relying on OTC pills on a daily basis for different symptoms

stop the nagging digestive symptoms

lose weight

Eliminate brain fog and confusion

lower blood sugar levels

sleep better 

resolve anxiety and stress issues

end sugar, salt and processed food cravings

no more acne breakouts

Say bye to joint pain 

periods become regular every month without birth control

We start with a few in-depth questionnaires to identify areas of deficiencies and uncover the hidden story of what's happening inside your body. Ever wonder why it's tricky to figure out the missing pieces on your own? It's not your fault; we're often too close to see the full picture. That's where these assessment tools come into play. They're like smart puzzle solvers, neatly organizing the pieces (your symptoms, concerns and goals) so we can easily connect the dots. It's as if you get a complete snapshot of your body's story all on one page- with a graph! 

Program includes:

A Bio-individual (based on your goals and concerns) plan with specific and detailed recommendations designed just for you. It includes what foods to include based on your specific goals. *YOU WILL GET TO KEEP THE FOODS YOU ABSOLUTELY LOVE* It also includes lifestyle factors such as sleep routines, movement and exercise suggestions and  high quality therapeutic supplement suggestions handpicked by me and delivered to your door (15% off through my practitioner dispensary). 
I know starting a new process can be daunting and you need feedback or you may simply need to ask a question that you forgot about during our normal sessions. I get it which is exactly why I am always available to my people for the duration of our time together. [I simply ask all my clients to allow me to respond within one day]

In our bi-weekly sessions, it's not just about tracking your journey. We are diving into a treasure trove of knowledge on nutrition, lifestyle, and other game-changing factors. I share all the insider tips that make handling your daily challenges feel like a walk in the park. But here's the real gem that my clients rave about; the mindset piece. Strategically shifting from 'I have to' mentality to 'I get to' mindset is where all the results lie. 

With each working session, I provide lots of resources (as needed) that are also targeted towards your goals and concerns. Recipes, meal planning, weekly menus, grocery lists, Macronutrient guides, therapeutic foods list, how to read labels guides, how to eat out guides etc. 

Tons of Resources

One VIRTUAL Initial session - 60-90 mins

Five virtual Bi-weekly personalized strategy/support sessions- 30-45 mins each

100% Custom Nutrition, Lifestyle, and Supplement Protocol

Unlimited email/text support

Then, I can help you!

Click below and book a FREE discovery call

Schedule NOW

If any of the above resonates with you, 

[No need to prepare for this call. This will simply be a no commitment required 'lets get to know each other' chat]